Project Ianos "The Dark side".

December 27, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Before a year ago, I 've been asked to make a project for a music band called "Stripling Rails". I had some plans and thoughts and eventually, "Project Ianos" came to life. But what exactly did i have in mind? Take a moment to read what Janus was...

In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is the god of beginnings and transitions and thereby of gates, doors, doorways, passages and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces and called Janus bifrons. In early ages Janus meets with one bearded face and one shaved, which prompted some researchers to attribute this to pairs opposites, such as the sun and moon or old age and youth, good and evil, darkness and light ...

This is the Dark side...

Πριν ένα χρόνο, μου ζητήθηκε από ένα συγκρότημα, τους "Stripling Rails", να κάνω ένα project. Είχα κάποια πλάνα και σκέψεις, οπότε τελικώς, το "Project Ianos" έγινε πραγματικότητα. Όμως τί ακριβώς είχα κατά νου; Πάρτε λίγο χρόνο να διαβάσετε τι ακριβώς ήταν ο Ιανός...

Στην αρχαία ρωμαϊκή θρησκεία και μυθολογία, ο Ιανός είναι ο θεός των ξεκινημάτων και των μεταβάσεων καθώς και των πυλών και περασμάτων. Ο Ιανός απεικονιζόταν συχνά με δύο πρόσωπα και αποκαλείται Janus bifrons, δηλαδή διπρόσωπος Ιανός. Στις πιο πρώιμες περιόδους ο Ιανός συναντάται με το ένα πρόσωπο γενειοφόρο και το άλλο ξυρισμένο, γεγονός που ώθησε ορισμένους ερευνητές να το αποδώσουν σε ζεύγη αντιθέτων, όπως είναι ο ήλιος και η σελήνη ή το γήρας και η νιότη, το καλό και το κακό, το Σκοτάδι και το Φως...

Αυτή είναι η Σκοτεινή πλευρά...

                                                                                                                                                              See the Bright side here...

Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures. Φωτογράφος Γάμου George LadasΦωτογράφος γάμου | Wedding photographer George LadasMy name is George Ladas and I am a wedding photographer, based in Greece loving to travel where there are people who trust me to transform their moments and feelings into beautiful pictures.


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